This manual contains the policies of the Dickenson County School Board.

Policy development in a modern, forward-looking school system is a dynamic, ongoing process. New problems, issues, and needs give rise to the continuing need to develop new policies or to revise existing ones. This is why the Board employs the loose-leaf format for this manual. It is easy to keep up to date.

Each person holding a copy of this manual is to make a diligent effort to keep it up to date as new policies are distributed by the superintendent's office of the Dickenson County Public Schools. The clerk of the Board will provide up-to-date policies to each person, office, or library holding a copy of this manual.

The Dickenson County Public Schools operate according to policies established by the Dickenson County School Board. The Board, which represents the state and local community, develops policies after careful deliberation, and the school administration implements these policies through specific regulations and procedures. The Board then evaluates the effects of its policies and makes revisions as necessary.

In the interests of harmony, efficiency, uniformity of interpretation, coordination of effort, and in fairness to all concerned, the Board makes this manual available to all who are affected by its policies. Copies are to be maintained in principals' offices, School Board/superintendent's office, and online.

Please Note:
 All copies of this policy manual are the property of the Dickenson County Public Schools.

Codification system is copyrighted by the National School Boards Association. Used with permission. No part of this manual may be reproduced, or transmitted, in any form, without the prior written permission of the Virginia School Boards Association.

© 2007  VSBA                     DICKENSON COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS